You’ve made a Wise Decision and
a Great Investment in Yourself!

You Are on Your Way to
Become a Strategic Investor!

Shortly you’ll receive an email with the receipt for your purchase, the instructions, and the link to access the training portal where all the training materials reside.

Here’s What to Do Next:

1.) Check your spam folder. Often the most important emails are filtered out by spam filters.

Please make sure you whitelist millen@daretochangelife.com email address so my email will get to you, not your spam folder!

The subject line of the email in question will read: BIP: You're in! Here's what to do next!

2.) Click the link below to connect on messenger so you’ll receive reminders to your messenger and never miss the next training video!


3.) Join WEALTH BUILDING FOR POWERFUL WOMEN Facebook group to get real-time support during this training, share your progress, ask questions, and connect with other amazing women.

If you’re not a member yet, please click HERE to request access.

4.) If you have any questions or problems to access your program materials, please email to support@daretochangelife.com

Do you know anyone who may benefit from this PROGRAM? Please click below to share the love. THANK YOU! 

Excited to see you soon!

To Your Health, Wealth and Freedom!

© 2024 Millen Livis. All rights Reserved