You’ve made a Wise Decision and a Great Investment in yourself!
It's a great opportunity for you to learn about Money 2.0 - Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Shortly you’ll receive an email with the receipt for your purchase, the instructions, and the link to access the membership site where all the training materials reside.
In the Meantime:
1.) Check your spam folder. Often the most important emails are filtered out by spam filters. The subject line of email in question will read: You're in! Here's what to do next!
2) Join my Wealth Building for Powerful Women group (and it awesome and it’s FREE) to receive live support and an opportunity to share your progress, ask questions and connect with other powerful women.
3.) If you have any questions or problems to access your program materials, please email to millen@daretochagelife.com
Enjoy your fascinating journey the fascinating land of digital money!
With Love and Gratitude,

© 2025 Millen Livis. All rights Reserved