How to Grow Your Wealth Exponentially
and NEVER Worry about Money Again!
What could having more money right NOW do for your life?
How would you FEEL differently? ACT differently?
For me having more money was always about having more FREEDOM.
When I came to the U.S. from Lithuania almost 30 years ago, I had NO money, started with being on welfare, then worked min-wage jobs.
So, I know what it’s like to have no money. I know what it’s like to struggle paying bills.
I also know how it feels to be stuck in a wrong relationship because you’re afraid of not being able to support yourself and your child.
And I know how it feels to be stuck at a job that drains energy and life out of you but you feel that you have no other choices.
It really sucks when you don’t have choices. And that’s really what Money is…it’s a Choice Multiplier!
Most people want to live comfortably, feel financially secure
and have more FREEDOM – Freedom of Time,
Freedom of Location, and Freedom of Choice.
I believe that what most people want is to stop trading their time for money. Or, at the very least, reduce the amount of time they spend making money that way.
…making money while you sleep.
…waking up richer every morning than when you went to bed the night before.
…receiving streams of money from people all over the world.
…having a business that operates on automatic pilot— whether you show up or not.
…receiving money from multiple streams of income and be REALLY FREE from money worries.
THAT’s what I created in my life.
And THAT is what I encourage you to create in your life as well.
Having Multiple Streams of Income is one of
the Golden Rules of Wealth Creation.
Developing multiple streams of income…
When it comes to creating multiple streams of income (especially passive income) and growing wealth exponentially, many people don’t even think it’s possible for them.
If that’s how you feel right now, I understand why you may feel that way.
Especially if you don’t know many people in your life who achieved it or you’ve tried to grow wealth quickly before and it didn’t work the way you expected….
There’s a lot of hype and noise around the “get-rich-quick” ideas and “become a millionaire overnight.” And not only that…. Many people “pretend” that they are already rich and sell others their “get-rich-quick” secrets!
Here’s what some of my students say about
working with me:
I am feeling more confident about looking at my money

Money needs to be respected

It was okay for me to have the house I always wanted

Scary? You bet. Exciting? You bet.

I am on track to my ideal prosperity

I feel the excitement building

Good things coming to me

This is a fun way to make some $$$

Challenging but very powerful

Multiple Sources of Income Powerhouse has tipped me over into the wealth mindset dimension.
MSIP has tipped me over into the wealth mindset dimension.
All the work done prior was to carry me all the way to the top and MSIP was like putting the flag on top of that mountain.
What does it look like?
I see wealth building opportunities everywhere now.
It is incredible, it is empowering and it is freeing.
I can touch this new reality, I can feel it and I will manifest it.
Through MSIP, I was able to list new sources of income for myself, keep working on them until they felt mine.
Elisabetta Scarabellita // Entrepreneur

Millen inspires women to reach goals...
Millen brings together an interesting mix of feminine wisdom, clear logic, assertiveness and humility in all of her interactions. With her warmth, intelligence, diverse experience and passion for ‘Dare to be the best you could be’ message, she inspires other women to reach for the goals they set for themselves.
Sharon Keller // Golden Bear Reality

Millen is a joy to work with!
Using laser like energy, Millen gives her full attention to your issue and stays with it until a satisfactory resolution or conclusion is reached. Open minded, yet direct and honest, Millen balances objectivity with compassion. It is a joy to work with her!
Mary L. Holden // Freelance Editor and Writer

I have not said, “Thank you!” enough....
Millen Livis is a gift to humanity. Millen is very generous with her time and energy, sharing her vast life experiences and strengths, empowering me to become a better human being. Millen has impacted my life spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially, by her encouragement and clarity. I have not said, “Thank you!” enough.
Heidi Stefan // B.A. Detox Support Counselor, Archstone

… great (and inspiring) course.
I was in the [MSIP] course with several other women. Millen creates such a supportive, encouraging environment. Trying new things can feel risky, and thinking about money can be challenging. Millen creates a space and gathers a group that in a very short time becomes a supportive cohort. People cheer each other’s successes and everyone grows in the way that fits their life and situation.
Following up on the great (and inspiring) Multiple Streams if Income Powerhouse course that Millen Livis just taught, I’ll be…creating mini courses and short books about how to apply the Ease of the Technique to daily life.
Thank you Millen Livis!
Multiple streams of income
IS the get-rich secret.
How quickly can you achieve it? As quickly as YOU allow it.
So, I want you to know that it’s ABSOLUTELY possible for you to grow your wealth exponentially and it can happen for you starting now.
How do I know? Because I’m the proof.

I recognized the importance of income diversification a while ago when I realized that ALL wealthy people have multiple streams of income from multiple sources.
So, I set up financial goals for myself that would encompass that concept – having multiple streams of income from multiple sources – from rental income, to dividend income, to interest income, to capital gains, to royalties, to business.
Did it happen overnight?
Did it allow me to have Freedom of Time, Money, Location and Choices?
Now I have a life-changing question for you.
Do YOU want to develop multiple sources and
multiple streams of income so
If YOU answered “Hell, YES!”, then you’re in luck!
Because this is EXACTLY what we’re going to do in
“Multiple Sources of Income Powerhouse” challenge!

How to Grow Your Wealth Exponentially
and NEVER Worry about Money Again!
The Multiple Sources of Income Powerhouse is a 10-day training where you’ll dive deep into the different aspects of creating multiple sources (and multiple streams) of income in your life right now.
In this very special online course, you will…
Here’s how it will work. You will…
Here’s what some of my students say about
Multiple Streams of Income Powerhouse
DALE DARLEY // Coach and Mentor

What’s Covered in this Training:
Module 1
Learn 8 Kinds of Multiple Sources of Income
In this first training, you’ll discover 8 kinds of Multiple Sources of Income, then identify 20 or more sources of income that YOU can create quickly, so you start making more money fast. This will prepare you for the exciting and creative experience during the rest of the challenge.
You’ll be guided and supported all the way during these 10-day challenge.

Module 2
Create Earned and Profit Income Sources
In the second training, we’ll explore further the first two sources of income – Earned and Profit - and you’ll choose your TOP 5 preferable streams of income from these income sources, then decide which ones of these streams of income you want to focus on first.

Module 3
Create Side Hustle and Interest Income Sources
In the third training, we’ll dive deep into the next two sources of income – Side Hustle and the Interest Income. After brainstorming possible options, you’ll choose your TOP 5 preferable streams of income from these sources. Then you’ll decide which of these 5 streams of income you want to focus on first.

Module 4
Create Dividend and Capital Gain Income Sources
In the fourth training, we’ll cover Dividend and Capital Gain Income. Not only you’ll learn more about these sources of income, you’ll brainstorming and identify your TOP 5 preferable streams of income from these income sources, then decide which streams of income you want to focus on first.

Module 5
Create Royalty and Real Estate Income Sources
In the fifth training, we’ll explore the Royalty and the Rental Real Estate Income. Once again, you’ll learn why these are great options and identify your TOP 5 preferable streams of income from these income sources, then decide which ones you want to focus on first. And you’ll also learn and follow my unique guided meditation “I Live in the Wealth Zone”

This training is a fun and effective way to FINALLY decide
WHAT multiple sources of income you want to achieve and
WHEN and HOW you’re going to achieve them.
WHY do you want to have multiple streams of income?
To travel more? Save extra income for your child’s college education? Purchase a house? Pay off debt ASAP?
The more confident you feel about your WHY,
the less you’ll need others to approve your choices.
Multiple Streams of Income
is Your Bridge to Financial Freedom.
The VALUE of this training
(with lifetime access to the training modules, assignments and support)
is $1,995.
The SPECIAL Investment Amount
IS ONLY $497

Your Questions Answered
How will the MULTIPLE SOURCES of INCOME POWERHOUSE program help me?
This is a very special program because it’s both - a training AND a challenge. It will reignite your creative juices, activate your imagination, and invigorate your vision for the life you want to have.
You will discover 8 different Sources of Income, then identify several streams of income you’re going to pursue. When you complete this program, you’ll have FIVE or more ideas for multiple streams of income (and some of them will be PASSIVE!), a plan to execute on these ideas and a timeline to make it happen.
Who is this program PERFECT for?
- The woman who is tired of not making enough money or just getting by.
- The woman who knows that having income from multiple sources is the way to grow wealth exponentially.
- The woman who no longer wants to trade her time for money.
- The woman who is over 40 and your dreams of Financial Independence are still eluding you.
- The woman who is DONE playing slave to her money
Do you guarantee any results?
What is the breakdown of the training modules?
- Module 1: Discover 8 Kinds of Multiple Sources of Income
- Module 2: Create Earned and Profit Income sources
- Module 3: Create Side Hustle and Interest Income Sources
- Module 4: Create Dividend and Capital Gain Income Sources
- Module 5: Create Royalty and Rental Income Sources
Who is this program NOT for?
- Women who are NOT ready to put in time, focused effort, and a small financial investment in herself to learn about and create Multiple Streams of Income
- Women who believe they know everything they need already to be Financially Independent
Isn’t this just another money course? I’ve tried those with no success.
This program is unique in that it is geared specifically to creating multiple sources of income. If you want to grow wealth and feel financially secure, you’ve got to have multiple sources of income.
This course is the powerhouse for you to discover 8 different sources of income you may consider, brainstorm and identify possibilities in YOUR life to create multiple sources of income, and get guidance and support with this effort.
Let your desire for Freedom guide your choices.
To living Your life on Your terms!

DISCLAIMER: The information stated above is based on Millen Livis personal experience and her clients’ results.
Please understand shared results are not typical, Millen is not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).
The average person who buys any “how-to” information and doesn’t apply it, gets little to no results. Millen is using the references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All wealth building efforts entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training.
At the end of the training, Millen may be making an offer for people who want to work more closely with her to get the next step on their journey to creating financial freedom.
This is completely optional. If you don’t want to work more closely with Millen, you can leave without buying anything.
The training will be holding NOTHING back and you’ll be able to implement what you learn right away on your own.
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