
You are going to LOVE

this training!

Shortly you’ll receive a Welcome email!

Here’s What to Do Next:

Step 1

Check your spam folder. Often the most important emails are filtered out by spam filters.

Please make sure you whitelist millen@daretochagelife.com email address so my email will get to you, not your spam folder!

The subject line of the email will read: FILL: You're in! What to do next…

Step 2

Click the button below to receive updates to your messenger so you never miss a training session!


Step 3

Join the Wealth Building for Powerful Women group to access ALL LIVE trainings and receive support during this POWERFUL and FUN 5-day experience, and have an opportunity to share your progress, ask questions, and connect with other amazing women.

Do you know anyone who may benefit from this 5-day FREE Financial Independence Lifestyle Lab?

If so, please share the LOVE by sharing the registration link below. 


Excited to see you soon!

To Your Health, Wealth and Freedom!