I just finished my “Activate Your Power to Prosper” live event in Provence last weekend and still feel “intoxicated” by the experience. I must say it was MAGICAL. From the open-air training area, the prosperity walks, wealth swim (LOL), morning yoga to ending the evening with a humbling meditation. 

We shared and LIVED our A-Ha moments, insights, a few (actually many) laughs and connected our hearts deeply. 


I feel sooo full right now! 


And from that place of fullness, I want to talk to you about… SPENDING and SAVING.  


“How can I keep putting money aside/saving money without feeling like I’m saving for the “rainy day”? Without having a sense of scarcity?” 


I was asked this question recently and that’s what I want to talk to you about today. 


Let’s look at the DECISIONS TO SPEND AND SAVE MONEY from a pure practical perspective (not spiritual one). 

In the mini-training video “4 Essentials of Wealth Pathway”, I shared with you the important elements that must be present. 


One of the elements wasKEEP MONEYIn other words, allocate a portion of your income toward your savings. It’s a VERY important element of building wealth and becoming financially independent. 


However, many people who are good at “saving money”, put money away from a place of fear and lack… They hoard money just like some people hoard cloth and food. 


And you know what happens when you make decisions from the place of fear, right? You realize your fears! 


So, what needs to happen for you to spend less and save more from a place of “enough-ness”? 



If one of your core values is FREEDOM – to be able to have more CHOICES in your life – then when you decide to save money, you can imagine that these savings will help you get closer to your goal of becoming financially free. The process of saving becomes fueled by the desire to be free. 


Please watch this video if you are a committed individual with a vision to live your best life, financially free.

Empowering Money Habits: Align, Save, Spend

How to align your values, save your money and when to spend it.
