a 4-month comprehensive systematized financial empowerment mentoring program for women who are committed to achieving Financial Independence.

You will be guided, step-by step, through the proprietary 4-dimensional Millen-aire Method of creating lasting Wealth.

Lasting Wealth Academy program with Millen Livis

a 4-month comprehensive systematized financial empowerment mentoring program for women who are committed to achieving Financial Independence.

You will be guided, step-by step, through the proprietary 4-dimensional Millen-aire Method of creating lasting Wealth.

This hands-on training will help you:

  • Align your mindset with abundance mentality,

  • Discover how to manage your money the smart way (and calculate YOUR Financial Independence Number!),

  • Learn how to invest strategically in the stock market and real estate,

  • How to start investing mindfully in the U.S. (samples of responsible investments for US financial Markets),

  • Leverage your spiritual nature and the Universe.

If you struggle with money issues and don’t know how to manage money;
if you don’t know how to save and invest money;
if you don’t have a spending discipline and use ‘shopping therapy’ to make yourself feel better – this program is for YOU.

If you don’t know how to get out of mounting debt and think that being poor is in your genes; if you spent thousands of dollars on financial programs and books but haven’t changed your financial situation;
if you feel bitter and frustrated because others seem to have an easier life
and more successes –

YOU will benefit IMMENSELY from this program.