Have you noticed how easy it is for you to focus on what’s missing or what’s not working in your life?
Somehow, human brain is programmed to focus on what’s NOT working instead of what IS working.
And since what you focus on, expands, focusing on problems, scarcity and lack leads to perpetual worries, doubts, and fears, which, in turn, attract more of the same.
Yet the simplest way to attract ‘good things’ is to focus on what “good things” you already have in your life…
And the easiest yet profoundly powerful way to do this is to feel thankful and PRACTICE Gratitude.
Yes, PRACTICE… continuously.
Because GRATITUDE heals the wounds, uplifts, calms, softens, and inspires.
When you think about being grateful for something or someone, you instantly shift your energy to the inner wellbeing, even when the external circumstances are challenging.
And then MAGIC happens! Because living in gratitude attracts opportunities and abundance.
You might be thinking “It’s not that simple, Millen…”
Yes, I hear you…
When you go through a series of health or financial challenges, or a job loss, or a divorce… when money is tight and you cannot buy what you want, it’s easy to fall into habitual patterns of frustration, worries and fear.
I fact, many people think that once they achieve financial abundance, business success, “ideal relationship, etc., THEN they will have a “reason” to be authentically grateful.
NO, it’s NOT how it works!
In order to receive what you want, you’ve got to first FEEL as if you already have it…
You’ve got to FEEL that it’s coming your way…
Yet don’t expect to experience something immediately after you ask for and imagine “it.”
Instead, set an intention and you WILL eventually receive it.
It’s also interesting to observe how we tend to overlook many things we can be grateful for right NOW simple because we’re accustomed to them!
You already have them, so why focus on what you already have, right?
Actually, wrong.
That is EXACTLY what you’ve got to focus on and be grateful for.
Remember that you are loved and blessed in so many ways….
Even when it seems like God (the Universe / Field) doesn’t have your back… when you feel lonely, crashed or broke… you still have a few things to be grateful for….
Let me remind you some simple things that you may have forgotten to be grateful for that many people in the world may not have….
- Peaceful country
- Roof over your head
- Electricity
- Clean running water
- Fresh air
- Money
- Food
- Toilet at home
- Family (and friends)
- Access to doctors and hospitals
- Access to the Internet
- Clients you have, had, and will have
- Sunshine
- Rain
You may not have ALL of these things but you do have most of them. Focus on that.
NOTHING should be taken for granted.
So, whatever your situation might be right now, don’t feel discouraged, embarrassed or guilty…. these emotions carry high negative charge.
Instead, make a list of at least 10 things that you are grateful for…
Focus on them… Use them as your catalyst to shift your perception and activate your ‘Attitude of Gratitude.’
Count your blessings, dear… you have a few!
As for me….
I feel blessed and deeply grateful for all the abundance I’ve received in my life – people, experiences, and opportunities that enriched my life.
I feel incredibly thankful for and humbled by the love I receive EVERY day from my husband, daughter, clients, and… God.
And I feel grateful for you, dear reader!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, for your intention to better yourself and your life.
To express my appreciation, I want to GIFT you my new guide “How to Control Your Money, So It will NEVER Control You.”
CLICK HERE to download it for FREE.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!
Millen Livis