I don’t know about you but I started to realize that most of my busy life is spent in a forward-moving motion, or a sailing through everything – experiences, feelings, challenges, achievements, happy moments and sad moments. That’s why I am taking time today to reflect on the past year and set my intentions for the upcoming New Year—2015!
Like most women I know, I rarely take the time to acknowledge my achievements and instead always remember what I could do better (yes, I’m a recovering perfectionist). Acknowledging your achievements is a very important aspect of re-discovering your authentic power and I am going to share my 2012 achievements by declaring them in this blog.
My 2012 achievements:
- Improved my communication with close family members
- Achieved better awareness of my fears and insecurities
- Made time for luxurious experiences (taking baths, reading, dancing, spending time at the beach)
- Finished two manuscripts – Make Better Health Choices and Make Better Relationship Choices and prepared to submit them to the publisher
- Developed five coaching programs
- Recorded Relaxation, Visualization and Meditation audios
- Re-designed my website and professional page
- Connected to several awesome women and fellow coaches online
- Exercised 5-6 times a week
- Meditated daily
- Initiated construction on a new house
- Invested in growing my business and offered new benefits to my customers
- Strengthened my faith and intuition
Wow, that feels good!! I would like to invite you to pause, to take a moment now and make your own list of achievements. No need to be modest here – recall as many as you can! Be your most loyal fan , supporter and best friend. Feel love from within!
Now, let’s move on to the next phase: setting intentions. Imagination allows you to shape your world according to your desires. It is often said that you must have a vision for your life because when you create a vision for your life, doors begin to open. Dream big, talk positively to yourself, and don’t focus on potential obstacles. Believe that the bigger the obstacles, the bigger will be your rewards and your future.
You may choose to set long and short term goals. Make them visual and exciting. “Believe big and Pray bold” as pastor Joel Osteen stated. Use your energy to believe instead of worry. It will increase your capacity for happiness.
My 2013 intentions:
- Practice yoga, meditation, visualization, and relaxation 3-6 times a week
- Deepen my faith and strengthen my authentic power
- Help at least 8 women rediscover their authentic power
- Make more time for leisure – reading, travel, long walks, etc.
- Show more love, acceptance and support to my family members
- Worry less, believe more
- Publish 2 books and finish 2 additional books for my Dare to Change Life series
- Appear on radio and internet TV shows
- Move in to my new house
- Finish remodeling of the summer house
- Establish several affiliate/coopetition partnerships
- Join local women’s support organizations
- Expand my clientele by at least 10%
- Expect and accept abundance
That’s my intentions’ list. I’d like to suggest that you compile yours now! Don’t worry about the HOW – just dream and enjoy the process. You may come to a few closed doors before you encounter the open ones! Be confident in who G-d made you to be.
Wishing you Joyful and Prosperous New Year!
To your Health, Wealth and Happiness,