Today, I chose to write about some lessons I learned from my journey…and share them with you!
My journey to Financial Independence transformed EVERYTHING about my personality, my views on success and failure, my values and goals, and my priorities in life.
I truly believe that this transformation in my personality helped me experience a drastically different reality than I used to have.
I literally went From being financially broke, emotionally broken, alone, and ashamed To living the reality where I travel the world when I want, live in resort-like locations in the South of France and South Florida, have a happy marriage, and fulfilling work.
I want to share with you the first lesson I learned from my fascinating journey to Financial Independence.
“Play to Win” and “Surrender”
I used to have a LOT of fears…
Fear of being homeless, fear of being dependent, fear of not living my full potential, etc.
As you can see, I was “planning” my life experiences from a very “scary place.”
These fears were paralyzing….
I felt “why bother”? “It’s not meant for me!” “It’s just not realistic for me”…
At some point, I was close to giving up on myself…and on my life.
But then, by the grace of God, I met a life coach who helped me shift my perspective on everything – success, failure, possibilities…
So, I turned 180 degrees – became a certified yoga and meditation instructor, and a student of science of conciseness.
I also chose to “be in the arena” and “play to win” – learn how to manage money intentionally, how to invest strategically, how to focus on abundance in my life… No. Matter. What.
I used to fly around the country to attend investment conferences and trainings, so I could spend time with driven and ambitious people and learn from great mentors.
I have invested in myself generously.
I would learn.
I would apply.
I would tweak and adjust.
I would focus.
My confidence grew. As well as my self-worth.
Finally. my experience with strategic investing started to be reflected in my financial worth.
I also learned not to give up when things felt overwhelming…
I’d take a break from my work, observe what was happening for me (my feelings), and just allow myself to feel them…fear, regret, sadness, grief…
I would not resist any feelings but instead, stay still and allow myself to feel whatever was happening for me.
And surrender…to Intelligent Love.
Then get back “on the horse” and keep going.
Because “I’m in it to win it.”
If anything you’ve read here resonated with you – let me know! I love receiving your insights and takeaways!
To your health, wealth, and freedom.
P.S. Are you interested in learning about ways you can invest in Gold in Silver?
I hope so, because in the era of “paper money”, the old saying “Cash is King” is no longer true.
In the short video below, I share the Method # 2 of investing in Gold and Silver – investing in precious metals’ ETFs!
I talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this way of investing in Gold and Silver. And I also share with you the specific examples of the precious metals’ ETFs that you can research and consider investing in.
FACT: most people think that Financial Independence is just a pipedream.
But there is a REALISTIC path to Financial Independence, without winning a lottery or killing yourself at work! Let me help you map out your unique fastest path to Financial Independence.
Take me up on this risk-free offer – schedule your “Never Worry About Money Again” consultation now.