“How can I learn how to invest the money I make today to protect and create my future retirement?”
I hear this question often… I know when you get to making 6-7 figures per year and accumulate significant amount of money, you don’t want your money just sit there in your bank account doing nothing. You want to make YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU!
You’ve lived through hills and valleys of life; you’ve experienced financial uncertainty and don’t want to think about how long you can last financially if your business will not have the expected revenue for the next few months. And the more you think about income volatility (which is part of entrepreneurial experience), the more important taking action to build a solid financial foundation becomes for you.
You don’t want to worry that you are not doing enough to secure your financial future and retirement. You’ve worked long hours in your business, often going without vacations for many months… you deserve to experience true financial freedom and enjoy the luxury of time and choice it affords. I know I felt that way!
At the same time, you are so busy with your work and excited about new opportunities that you don’t really have the time to think of ways to expand the wealth you already accumulated! And it’s not just you! Most successful entrepreneurial women are very focused on implementing their vision and don’t make time to learn how to strategically invest the wealth they already created!
One of the reasons could be that you may not know how to make investments that feel good to YOU.
Should you learn to invest in the stock market?
Rental Real Estate?
Or reinvest in your business in order to scale it up?
Or do something else that you haven’t even thought about yet?
There are many choices to consider! But the ultimate choice needs to be unique to you!
Just like with business ideas, you may look at other people and be tempted to copy what others have done only to find yourself disappointed, frustrated or even broke. You need to make time to learn what investment strategy is aligned with who you are, what your natural inclinations are, what you like to do, and how you like to do it.
Yes, it needs to fit your lifestyle too! Modeling others’ success is a good idea as long as you are clear that this investment model is the right fit for YOU!
It took me years to actually figure out how to make my money work for me that FEELS GOOD TO ME, but once I did, my life has changed 180 degree! I’ve built a diversified investment portfolio, quit my 60- hour per week corporate job, started my investment business and manage my own and my family’s retirement funds.
Do you know how to strategically invest your hard-earned money so it will work for you and, over time, afford you experience of financial freedom?
Take the time to get clear about the PURPOSE FOR YOUR MONEY and the ways to grow your wealth that FEELS GOOD TO YOU!
If you’re looking for strategic ways to grow your wealth, feel free to schedule complimentary strategy call with me.
In the meantime, Think and Live Wealthy!