You’ve always dreamed about and hoped that you would have a successful and beautiful life: a loving family; a rewarding career; a lovely home; and personal and financial freedom. You’ve got great ideas, good education and professional experience. You work hard and find time to take care of your family.
You look confident and poised… on the surface. Deep inside, you still have this disturbing self-doubt and fear… fear that you may not have enough money to pay your bills; fear that you may lose your job, medical insurance or your home; fear about your financial security and your retirement… You worry about money so much that it affects your sleep, your health and even your relationships.
You avoid talking about your feelings with your partner…. Unfortunately, money worries destroy relationships, families and careers! Do you know that money is the number ONE reason most marriages end in divorce?
You want to have more abundance, more love and liveliness in your life but… you are afraid of change.
Ridiculous, isn’t it??
I agree! Yet it is a reality for so many intelligent professional women…
Financial anxiety, worry about debt, feeling you will NEVER have enough (damn it!), and fear of financial hardships are common roadblocks to wealth and financial freedom. Your relationship with money (yes, you do have a “relationship” with money) rarely comes into focus in your everyday life. When you experience a financial setback – job loss, a devastating divorce, health problems, painful experience of foreclosure or bankruptcy – you often fall back into the persistent habit of self-doubt, self-judgment and fear.
This vicious cycle of reactivity usually repeats itself and deepens your sense of failure and unworthiness, which makes you even more fearful about money. The irony is that when you get into this dangerous spiral of self-doubt, you reject the opportunities that life offers you. You get shut down and lose hope that financial security and peace of mind are ever possible for you.
You probably have read books and attended webinars about ‘creating your reality’ and manifesting money. You may have paid top dollar for live seminars with ‘gurus’ who promised you miraculous ‘get rich quick’ or ‘invest with us and have a safe retirement’ schemes.….
I know! On the surface, it seems like you’ve done it all – right?
… Worked hard, really hard to provide for yourself – Check!
… Learned about investing – Check!
… Read “Think and Grow Rich” – Check!
… Listened to “How to Create Abundance” webinar – Check!
… Attended “Peak Potentials’ seminars – Check!
… Positive Thinking, the Law of Attraction, Millionaire Mind – Check! Check! Freaking Check!
You’ve done EVERYTHING the gurus told you to do and more – including implementing the strategies that seem to be working for others.
The question du jour: Why isn’t it working for YOU??? You know that you want to live a prosperous and free life but… How???
Here what I KNOW: Lack of money and financial hardships are not your destiny or a curse. They’re simply signs that mistakes were made and you’ll have the opportunity to correct them.
How do I KNOW?
Because I’ve been in your shoes!
As a first generation immigrant from Europe, I had a VERY modest beginning in this country. I had NO money and worked odd jobs while learning English. I worked really hard and was able to save money to buy my first car… old blue Chevrolet. Yey! When I found my first professional job with a brokerage company, I was thrilled! It was the beginning of my own journey to wealth and freedom. Faith, courage, resilience and perseverance helped me become a successful executive for major firms on Wall Street. That’s where I’ve learned about investing in a stock market.
I then went back to the graduate school to study business and received my M.B.A. degree from a prestigious Ivy League school in my mid-forties! While it was comfortable to stay at my well-paid corporate job, it didn’t feel good… and I left the corporate world for good.
It was not an easy decision, oh NO! Actually, it was a major life crisis… My marriage, health and finances were literally falling apart at the same time. I felt lost, broke (and broken), stuck and hopeless.
It took faith, time and help from other people to recover my confidence and get clarity about my true desires and life direction. I did a lot of soul searching, personal development and mindfulness work and enrolled with a life coach.
When I finally started listening to my intuition, I decided to take an inspired though imperfect action (better done than perfect! and become an entrepreneur.
The beginning was rough (a familiar cycle of ‘win, fall, learn, repeat’) but that’s where I’ve learned about investing in real estate.
What I am trying to share with you here is that I have ‘failed myself forward’: made a few mistakes, learned from them, invested time and money in myself (over $170,000, my best investment!) in order to learn what works. Where am I now? I’ve achieved personal and financial freedom and so CAN YOU! Out of all my successes and ‘lessons learned’, I’ve developed a specific and practical wealth creation and management system. I KNOW that it’s possible for YOU because I’ve done it and have the financial know-how!
As you can see from my personal journey, your financial past does not determine your financial future. Today is a new day and a fresh start. And I can be by your side along the way to your financial success.
If my own journey to Financial Freedom resonates and inspires you, let’s talk! I know that becoming FINANCIALLY POWERFUL and FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT is POSSIBLE. Schedule a complimentary “Become Financially Powerful” strategy session.
Together we’ll get crystal clear on WHAT you want to achieve, what possibly blocks you from having it, HOW my proprietary “The Millen Method” can help you achieve the results you desire. Whether we are good fit or not, you’ll get a lot of benefits from this call – that I know for sure.
To your Health, Wealth and Freedom!
Millen Livis