“All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Whenever I see information on relationships, I see lots of advice like: “How to make a man commit” or “How to make him to fall in love with you.”
These catchy headlines make me want to shout: “Don’t bother with these tactics!” Instead, look at your relationship with yourself and see if you love yourself first.
Don’t Fall For Shortcuts to Make Others Love You
The relationship with yourself is the most important one you will ever have in your life. It impacts ALL other relationships. It is truly fundamental for your happiness and success. Don’t just sail through your life. Become a good observer of what is going on within you….
Do you really know and love yourself? Take time to look deep within and find “spaces” or areas where you don’t feel loved… then feel them in yourself. Some professionals call this process ‘doing the work,’ and we are here to tell you that the most difficult thing about seeing yourself clearly on the inside is the decision to see yourself clearly on the inside.
Stop being afraid of those spaces inside yourself—shine a light into them and then redecorate them as if they were a room in your home. If you truly knew yourself – your strengths, , resourcefulness, your exceptional accomplishments and your depth – you would be aware and appreciative of your uniqueness and significance.
What Do You Really Need?
Here is the true secret to having more meaningful and successful relationships with others: Having an Authentic Power. This includes perceiving yourself as lovable, worthy, and capable and acting in the world from that place.
There are two kinds of power you may possess:
1. External power (your material possessions, career achievements, etc.)
2. Authentic power, which is the inner knowing that you are worthy and valuable
Although these two kinds of powers are not mutually exclusive, it is your authentic power that will make people want to connect with you and to be around you. Most people with the authentic power are humble, attentive to others, and clear about their intentions. They are at peace with who they are and exude energy of loving self-awareness.
You can re-discover your authentic power by giving yourself an “A” as in:
- Acknowledging your achievements and challenges
- Accepting yourself and your present circumstances
- Appreciating what you have instead of focusing on lack or scarcity
- Acting in the world from a place of empathy toward yourself and others
- Allowing your intentions to unfold
That is my Ax5 rule for self-empowerment.
With Love,
I could benefit from this.