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Your Path To Financial Freedom: Where Do You Start?

Written By Millen Livis

There are tons of books and seminars these days about abundance because it’s a “hot topic” now. Everybody wants it, everybody likes to talk about it.

But what does abundance mean to you?

Luxurious houses, expensive cars, designer clothes, exquisite jewelry?

Or maybe for you it means having the freedom to choose how to spend your time and live your life?

Whatever it is, I invite you to define it for yourself if you want to experience it one day.

Many of us were raised with limiting beliefs’ programming. This external conditioning implies that you are confined to a certain level of possibilities in your life that is restricted by things like your parents’ social status, your race, religion, education, country of origin, etc.

It is often so deeply ingrained in our minds that we often sabotage ourselves and have no idea that we have these “blind spots”! It’s really hard to think and live wealthy when your perception of what’s possible for you is defined by your past, or your current challenges, or others’ opinions.

The good news is that it’s a complete and shameful lie.

You are powerful by design.

You are only limited by your own imagination and beliefs’ system.

You and only you can make the decision to live your best life, to experience abundance and joy or… to complain and compare yourself with others who seem to have everything that you would like to have. Yes, it’s a matter of choice.

Let’s assume that you choose to live your best life.

Where do you start?

I would invite you to start with acknowledging that where you are now is not where you want to be.

Your past (e.g. abuse, painful memories, diseases, breakups, financial ruins) doesn’t define who you are NOW!

However, it’s very important to acknowledge feelings that you carry on from your past so that your painful memories, all those wounds from the past, will not confine you.

Next step would be to shift your focus to your Vision for your life from this point on. It’s never too late to start over.

You can choose to make a shift toward a better life NOW. If you want to have more wealth, freedom, joy, meaning and better health – you have to do the inner work!

Start with digging deep into your own beliefs’ system.

Replace patterns of thinking and old habits, which don’t support your vision or sabotage your opportunities, with those that propel you toward the kind of life you want to have.

We rarely realize how much our unconscious beliefs affect the circumstances in our lives – from health to relationships to finances.

Instead of comparing your achievements with those of your friends, neighbors or colleagues, pause.


Get your journal handy and write down your Vision for your life — the way you want your life to be in 3, 5, 10+ years.

Get creative. Dream big. Get excited about your vision for life and work.

If you feel like saying to yourself “Yes, BUT…”, cancel this thought immediately. Say instead “now that I know what I want, where do I start?

It pains me to see so many smart, kind, talented women  who experience fear and insecurity about money and their financial future. Maybe because I used to be one of these women…

I am deeply grateful that I created an amazing and abundant life.

It wasn’t easy. I went through a lot of personal trials, worked hard, and made many mistakes. However, I am grateful for all the experiences I had because they brought me to the life I have now.

I achieved financial independence in my life and “documented” the 4 main pillars that allowed me to create adventurous, joyful  and abundant life.

These 4 pillars evolved into an integrative wealth building system, The Millen-aire Method.

I love helping others become financially empowered!

In this mini-class, I share with you the Financial Freedom Rules that I discovered through my own journey to wealth.

I hope that what I am about to share in this video will help you manage your money better and create an amazing abundant life.

To Your Health, Wealth and Freedom!



P.S. Would like to start planning your financially abundant life? Download your Wealth Planner HERE

About the Author

Millen is a Wealth architect and Financial Independence Coach, entrepreneur, and a bestselling author. Being a Possibilities' Catalyst, she uses her intuition, business, and investment expertise to support entrepreneurial women (like you) who want to master their money, live their purpose achieve financial prosperity and freedom. With her physics and business education, corporate and entrepreneurial experience, money management know-how, mindfulness practices and transformational coaching skills, Millen has a unique ability to guide and support clients in achieving extraordinary success in their lives.

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